Monday, December 8, 2008

Supreme Lunacy: So Let's Get This Straight....

Fidel Castro's son, Fidel "Fidelito" Castro Diaz-Balart (Born on September 1, 1949) 1) could marry an American woman (but remain a citizen of Cuba); and 2) they could conceive a son/daughter and deliver the baby in Chicago who 3) grows up to become President of the united states of America??!!

Do we have this right?

Or if this is too "over the top" just imagine the prospect of Prince William marrying a stunningly beautiful American woman - while still retaining only his British citizenship - and then proceeding to conceive a son/daughter who, too, is born in Chicago and 3) grows up to become President of the united states of America. We can see the world singing praises to Prince William in the memory of his famous mother, Princess Diana, while the world media headlines proclaim that the heart of Princess Diana's "royal love returns to America."

The rise of William's Presidential son/daughter would provide a fitting bookend to the story of King Edward VIII's abdication after he caused a constitutional crisis by proposing marriage to the American divorcée Wallis Simpson.

Think and pray on these thoughts on this very special day - December 8th - which is the 154th anniversary of the Doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of our Lord God Jesus Christ in the womb of the most Blessed Virgin Mary which was finally acknowledged and approved by Pope Pius IX in the year 1854.

Keep praying!! Miracles do happen!

Amazing!! Amazing!!

Read more.

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